
Way2Trade offers various training courses in obtaining market access outside the EU.

The training courses for China are given in collaboration with CCIC Europe B.V.

Since 2009 the Chinese authorities have strict import legislation for feed and feed additives (AQSIQ 2009/118). Part of this legislation is the requirement that companies exporting to China need to be aware of the Chinese import legislation of feed, feed additives, premixes and petfood.

During recent meetings with officials of the Chinese authorities GACC, it was observed that exporting companies were not aware enough of the legislation.
Therefore we developped with CCIC and in close cooperation with GACC a course that will guide you through the basic principles of this legistation.

The participants of the course will receive a certificate of CCIC about participating in this knowledge exchange, which can be used during future inspections by GACC



Date Time Country/Subject      Type description/registration Status
Wednesday 7th of September 2022 10:00-14:30 Course Chinese Feed import legislation
(feed additives,
premix, milkreplacer and petfood)
Physical course at the trainingcenter of GICC in Rotterdam  click here Open
Tuesday 13th of September 2022 09.00-13.00 Course Chinese Feed import legislation
(feed additives,
premix, milkreplacer and petfood)
 Online course click here Open

All courses are given in English.

The above mentioned courses and/or other tailormade courses on the subject of export in general or specific markets can be offered as in-company courses worldwide. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Consultancy op maat

U wilt exporteren naar het buitenland, maar u heeft geen idee waar u moet beginnen? Way2Trade heeft de kennis en expertise om u op weg te helpen om uw producten van dierlijke herkomst of levende dieren wereldwijd af te kunnen zetten. Wij bieden u de ondersteuning en advisering rondom de problematiek om markttoegang te krijgen. Van de analyse van de te exporteren producten, de werkwijze voor registraties in het buitenland, zaken die de export onmogelijk kunnen maken e.d.. Wij kunnen u ook nader adviseren over de in te vullen documenten en inspecties van buitenlandse autoriteiten om export mogelijk te maken. Interesse?

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